#livelikeshay #lovelikeshay #smileforshay

Inspiring Kindness In Everyday Actions

Honoring the legacy of our amazing daughter.
Her message that small acts of kindness will change the world lives on through all of us.

GTHS Shaylin Elizabeth Foster Humanitarian Scholarship

This annual scholarship that recognizes a Grovetown High School senior for their efforts to improve their community.

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Shaylin Foster Sharing Sheds

This year as a celebration of Shaylin's life we will be building sharing sheds in her honor. This will be a place where people in need can go to receive, and where people who feel led can give.

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Quest Church - Shaylin Foster Scholarship Fund

Shaylin deeply loved our Lord and through that love joined the Quest Church family. Due to her love of this church and their love for her we stared a scholarship in her name. The Shaylin Foster Scholarship Fund exists to assist Quest members and regular attenders with college tuition costs.

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Socks for Shay

Shaylin always loved socks, the crazier the better. We have started collecting socks for the needy each year in her memory.

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More About Our Mission.

Through this unbearable loss we have resolved to continue our daughter's amazing legacy. In her seventeen short years on earth her impact on others was nothing short of miraculous. If we can inspire others to live as she did maybe we can leave the world a better place than we found it.

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Our Location

700 Peri Leigh Rd
Harlem Ga 30814
United States

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